Get Out And Vote...Get off myspace and vote damn it!
Today is Election Day, go out and vote. Take your right abd vote. take the ten minutes and vote on your future. Does it matter? Yes it does. Cause you can't bitch if you don't take part in the democratic process. You can't complain if you can't take time the time to vote. Enough with the apathy and the complaining go out and do something about it. The bad guys are counting on you not caring, they are counting on your apathy and not vote. At stake is the future of the war, the national debt, stem cell research, your jobs, your money you homes and your family. Do what people all over the world wish they had, control over your destiny. I don't care if you're a Reupblican and Democrat, Liberterian I can care less, but for the love God do something besides shrug your shoulders and say" Who cares..."
I often have a picture of Kennedy on my profile its because I believe in what he said a lobg time ago," Some men see things and ask why I dream things that never and ask why not...." Its not cool to not care, its not cool to be clueless, its not ok to believe the hype on MTV, in the end all we are really doing is dumbing ourselves down and then they win, they being people who count on our stupidity and our apathy. Stop wearing a political tee shirt cause its cool, start believing what it says. Screw rock the vote. just vote, why? Cause if you don't they win and when they win and screw us we have no one to blame but ourselves. So get off myspace and vote.
I often have a picture of Kennedy on my profile its because I believe in what he said a lobg time ago," Some men see things and ask why I dream things that never and ask why not...." Its not cool to not care, its not cool to be clueless, its not ok to believe the hype on MTV, in the end all we are really doing is dumbing ourselves down and then they win, they being people who count on our stupidity and our apathy. Stop wearing a political tee shirt cause its cool, start believing what it says. Screw rock the vote. just vote, why? Cause if you don't they win and when they win and screw us we have no one to blame but ourselves. So get off myspace and vote.
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