Location: New York, United States

My name is Danny. I'm a writer/journalist in NYC. I just came back from a few years in Asia working there. I'm a true NY'er, I love the arts, musuems, cafes.I'm more poet philospher than writer/novelist. I like lounges over clubs, quiet cafes over clubs and great conversations. I'm as normal as one can be I guess, except for the traveling, that I do too much. I have a sarcastic streak that rears its ugly head but eh, what r u gonna do? A sharp mind and cool wit is a great thing.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Girls Gone Wild? Serial Date Rapists? The Next Sex Generation

Admit it, its 3am you can't sleep. You filp through the channels, (cause theres 300 channels and somewhere The Karate Kid is playing) and you see it, a pretty young thing, who lifts her top and bam! GIRLS GONE WILD!!!!! Ladies, you seen them at the bar or the clubs, open shirt wearing, wife beater shirt guy with a Corona in his hand. He's getting you liquored up on Cosmos or apple martinis then you wake up the next morning searching for your thong. I'm 29, and in some ways one side of me feels jipped. When I was in college, the girls were into the whole Lilith Fair, Sarah McLachaln thing and date rape was the number one issue on campuses nationwide. Guys were so neutered that wearing a goatee and stuming along to old Bob Dylan songs was cool. Hell, you wouldn't get a date unless you read Slyvia plAth poems and bared your soul in a poem, in a coffee cafe with an open mic. Taking women's issues classes was the thing to do and everyone wore birkenstocks. My how things have changed.

Maybe I'm getting old and not hip anymore or maybe, just maybe, we're on downward spiral towards a hedonistic hell. Lets be Frank for a moment or a Judy whatever the case may be, to all the liberal ideolouges out there, if you think we're being overrun by moralistic conservatives, check yourself first. Today's media is far more liberal than 15 years ago, even ten years ago. Aside for out and out fellatio, monkey sex, full frontal nudity, what more can you ask for? When Ellen came out the closet it was the biggest thing to happen and after which she was cancelled, fastforward to now she has successful daytime talk show. Will and Grace? Never could have happened in 1994. So lets not try and say we're being censored cause to be honest we're not, Howard Stern and Clear Channel? Try Stearn going for the big bucks on satellite. Janet Jackson on the Super Bowl, was it really necessary? For all the people who feel oppressed or censored, try going to China first then get back to me.

I'm not bashing liberals, considering I am one, its your turn conservative America. Its the moralizing, the better than thou finger pointing. Its the hypocrisy. You curse in life, you have sex, hell you even get naked so don't start moralizing on the virtues of chasity, please if that were the case, you'd never procreate. I digress. The conservatives have their own holier than thou philosphy which is at times confusing, I mean I understand it I just don't see the logic, which is why most of their ideas are all faith based initiatives. Yet, I wonder where are they when things like rape and genocide in Africa and the Mid-East are in the news? Perhaps in deep spiritual prayer. I can get down with some more morality, a little family values, the idea that showing your breasts for cheap 10 cent beads isn't always a good idea.

So is it liberal hedonism or conservative backlash? Do we blame the media? Do we blame parents who in their youth (ie: the 80's think Less Than Zero or Robert Downey Jr. period) went crazy on coke and heroin 8-balls while making money in the market? Do we blame MTV who seem to stop playing videos and started showing teen like reality shows which do nothing but warp a young mind, more on this on a later date. Do we perhaps blame porn? Here's a real noevl idea, we blame everyone and ourselves. Yep, everyone, me too. I always think its odd how we expect other people to do the dirty work and not ourselves. How we all think cops are corrupt and racist but always the first people we call after we get mugged. The fact that we complain about taxes yet enjoy free public eduation and road improvement. We shake our fingers at musical lyrics that degrade women, yet have no problem dancing to it or downloading it illegally, or refer to another girl as a bitch. I would like to say that all of this is ironic but its not, its hypocrisy, but not ironic, though thanks to Alanis, no one quite understand irony anmore, which in of itself is ironic? No? Ah well, you dribble and you shoot.

The moment of clarity for happened one spring day a couple years ago while I was strolling in Central Park, I saw a mother with her young daughter say 11? Maybe 12 or 13. No matter though, cause mom had no problem with what said child was wearing. No she wasn't in a skimpy see through thing, or an ultra too short skirt just jeans and a t-shirt. Doesn't sound bad? Course not well, unless of course you read what the t-shirt said. "I'm A Porn Star". In bright orange, this child was declaring that she herself was wearing a "I'm A Porn Star" t-shirt. Nice real nice. Whats next? "I Give head like a pornstar" t-shirt, sadly I have seen this t-shirt as well. Though I think she was 16, still scary. Now, I like porn as much as the next guy, but seriously 12? The real issue isn't the shirt or the fact that the mom was ok with it, nor is the real problem the infomercial itself. Its not the internet's fault and its not cable tv though I would like to blame Sex and the City for something. I can blame it on two things, one MTV thats right them and of course I blame Freud.

First lets tackle MTV. Aside from destroying the careers of the not for ready music video careers of Christopher Cross and Air Supply, but somehow made Flock of Seagulls and The Bugles really big stars proved to everyone once and for all, image really is everything. Who needs talent when looking cute and sexy can make you an insta-celeb? WHole careers were made this way....Wham! anyone? But its more than just that, its the advent of reality tv, The Real World. Aside from the first season, which if you watch today seems tame by coparison to today's hottub orgies. But once that first season cme out and turned normal everyday people into "famous" folk, the bar has been set and since then it was about mugging for more camera time. So where does this cause give us the effect of Girls Gone Wild? Wait! there's more. I can remember being a young 7th grader and watching MTV's Spring break, with Paulie Shore, sad I know but true. There they were, blonde, bikinis and beach, the Holy Trinity for a young lad. If you were say born in 1985, by the time you were in high school the year would have been, 1999. Talk about being impressionable. Britney Spears, Sex and the City MTV's Real World and my personal favorite, the Girls Gone Wild infomercials. Fast forward to her freshman year of college, already in the her mind are the images and influences of a faster, hedonistic society. The Me First attitude, the party, party generation who seem to forget that AIDS is still around. Sure they won't smoke cause its bad, but who needs a condom? Now before you start thinking that I'm some old fuddy duddy, I'm not, I just wonder if I have kids what's next? Now if you're a guy born about the same time, the amount of rap videos that literally depict women as sexual objects and good for you know, the matress mambo, watch and see that hey, I can do that too, next thing you know its about a sense of entitlement. Remember back in '94 they had this whole lame red light, green light thing on college campuses? Where were the bar dancing then? The whole stripper pole revolution? Seriously the kids born in 1974-1978 seriously got jipped bad, too young for the freeqwheeling 80's and the decadent 2000's. Now other guys my age are khaki wearing, Starbucks drinking shells of men who still think Sarah McLachlan kicks ass. Damn you MTV!!!! Damn you Paulie Shore!!!! Damn you Daytona Beach!!!!

Freud....he's a pretty smart guy. Had some ideas regarding psychological stuff, you know everything has some weird sexual reasoning behind it. Too much love or hate a cigar not a cigar, unless you're Pres. Bill, ( what a guy!!!! 4 more years of Bill!!!!) So why Freud and not say Madonna? WHy Freud and not Hooters? Freud killed God...... well not kill maybe perhaps you know, made God less important than say you're fixation on lollipops. When religion became say....less important to our lives it did a lot more than let us sleep in on the weekends. Take away the angels, the saints, the whole virgin birth thing and what you have is a bunch of do's and don't, a sense or morality. Yes some of them were dated and really really dumb but for the most part its got a good moral no? Ok, so maybe you were good cause who wants to burn in a lake of fire for eternity? Sure you'll be good cause who wants to Satan's bride? Basically we stayed good and moral or a bit more modesty for fear of eternal damnation. Take out damnation you take away guilt, you take away a guilty conscience all you have left is a logic that is based on what makes "you" feel good. Better analogy, ok. Why don't people commit murder? Eternal damnation? or being in jail for 25 to life spending your days and night fighting for your ass virginity? A corpreal punishment verses a possible metaphysical punishment? So if there is no more "damnation" or "punishment" then whats the harm? The only harm is to oursleves only. Its not like anyone would find out that I showed my breasts on a dvd distributed worldwide and downloaded online by millions? What are the odds anyone will recognize me? And even if they do, they have to admit to buying it, so whats more embrassing me for showing tits or you for buying it? Weird logical which somehow makes sense enough to get Joe Francis, the Girls Gone Wild guy, an island and a private jet. Sad I know and the dude who cracked the human genome is nameless, dateless and he still wears glasses. I know, our soldiers are protecting us and our rights and getting blown up, so idiots can marry a millionaire, be a survivor, an apprentice, marry someone you just met or just be an idiot. Whatever happened to the counterculture? Would these kids care more if there was a draft? an economic depression? a world war? You would think post9/11 would give us some insight, it did lasted less than a year and we're back to beads and bikinis.

In the end its not where we are its more about where we are heading. The conservative censorship is a pipedream, there is no real cracking down on your rights and such when it comes to the media. The media just isn't doing their job, the real voices of the people aren't heard cause there isn't enough of them, where is Abby Hoffman when you need him?The reality is, that censorship and such will lose to the almighty dollar and as long as sexy sells, they'll keep pushing the envelope. Even Bible Belt Reupblicans see the reality of the situation, which is ..."Ahhhhhh fuck it!" They'll protest, maybe make one day, hey they might even try and pass a law or something which will mostlikely get overturned when a Denocrat becomes President. Sooner or later we're all gonna have to stop and think, how far is too far. Sooner or later someone has to ask that question and risk being called an asshole. At least the conversation has begun...and that is probably the more important issue.


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